Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A: Before your massage appointment, your therapist will require you to fill out the consent form online. In addition, they may ask further questions to understand which areas you would like to focus on and to address any specific conditions. It’s crucial to provide all relevant health concerns and medications so that your therapist can adapt your session to your specific needs, without causing any harm.

It’s equally important to specify any allergies, as your therapist may need to adjust the oil or cream being used during your visit. Your therapist’s goal is to provide you with a safe and effective massage experience tailored to your individual needs, so please be open and honest about any health concerns or allergies you may have.

A: You can undress to your level of comfort during your massage session. Some individuals prefer to keep their underwear on, while others prefer to be completely nude. Your massage therapist will step out of the room to provide you with privacy to undress and lie on the massage table under a top sheet.

Regardless of your level of undress, your therapist will always ensure that you are properly covered throughout the session. You will never be exposed inappropriately, and your therapist will use draping techniques to ensure your comfort and privacy. It’s important to feel at ease during your massage session, so please communicate with your therapist about any concerns you may have.

A: It’s perfectly normal for clients to drift off to sleep during their massage session. If you happen to snore, please don’t worry about it as it’s quite common and your massage therapist has likely encountered it before. We want you to feel relaxed and comfortable, and if that means you fall asleep, that’s a great sign that your body is responding positively to the massage.

Please feel free to communicate with your therapist before or during the session about any concerns you may have. We strive to create a safe and relaxing environment where you can unwind and let go of any stress or tension. So, don’t hesitate to let us know how we can make your massage experience even more enjoyable.

A: At our massage therapy practice, we want you to feel completely at ease and comfortable in your own skin. We understand that everyone has unique physical characteristics and we celebrate diversity. Our professional massage therapists have extensive experience and training and have seen it all. You do not need to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about your body. Our main goal is to create a relaxing and therapeutic experience for you, and we are dedicated to making sure you feel completely comfortable and supported throughout your session.

A: We understand that everyone has different preferences and needs when it comes to massages. The frequency of your massage sessions depends on a variety of factors, such as your pain levels, physical and emotional needs, and budget. Consistency is key, and receiving regular massages offers the most benefits. Depending on your unique situation, this may mean weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions. Your massage therapist can work with you to create a customized treatment plan that fits your individual needs and preferences.

A: Research shows that massage therapy can help reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality and duration, and decrease pain levels, including general pain, chronic headache pain, and shoulder, neck, back, arthritic, postoperative, and temporomandibular pain.

A: It depends on the type of pain you are experiencing. If you need medical attention or your pain is too intense, massage may not be the best course of action at this time. However, if you’re experiencing pain that could benefit from a soothing massage experience, it is safe to come. We can focus on the area of pain or avoid it and work on other areas to help us relax.

A: Some people may experience muscle soreness after a massage, while others may not. Applying heat for 15 minutes and gently moving the area with a range of motion can help relieve post-massage soreness. If you have a condition where you’re prone to uncomfortable muscle soreness, we can work with you to find techniques and pressure that feel most comfortable.

A: Yes, massage is not recommended for those with fever, nausea, vomiting, contagious conditions, blood clots, serious medical conditions requiring emergency medical care, and systemic or oral cancer treatments where radiation remains in the body. If you have a medical condition and are unsure if massage is suitable, consult your doctor before booking a massage.

A: You can book a massage through our online booking system. See below our how-to video.

A: Payment is done through the online booking system with Paypal and/or Debit/Credit card, before your scheduled session. See our Terms of Services for more information.

A: Yes, you can cancel or modify your booking up to 24 hours before your scheduled session. See our Terms of Services for more information.

A: Certainly, we provide parking facilities for our clients. You can park your vehicle in the driveway or in front of the house.